Mod Project Team: Gameplay

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Mod Project Team: Gameplay

Post by silvaril »


The Gameplay Team will be responsible for generating the various required text files that control how the Mod race works within the game engine. eg: shipsection files

Current Goals:
MOD122.gob file containing every file required for the race. Placeholder files (Tarka) for files that do not currently exist. ... =19&t=7910

There is a Google Docs spreadsheet for this work referenced at: ... =19&t=8627

Engine 3 concept in conjunction with Story Team. ... =19&t=7873

The Team Lead for the Gameplay Team will be responsible for liaising with the other Teams and chasing people in the Gameplay Team up to complete the required files.

If you are interested in working on the files we need for this Mod then please reply to this thread.

Current Team:
Last edited by silvaril on Wed Jun 04, 2008 11:59 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by Coyote27 »

I can try to help here.
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You so lucky in responding first... >:) Thank You :)

Post by silvaril »

Heya Coyote27

Thanks for the reply :)

If you would like someplace to start... :twisted:

I want to see the following GOB files created.


My recommendation would be to start with RockBugs122.gob as it contains the fewest Race Specific required files. It will provide a starting point for additions and changes for the other versions, and having all three will enable the Race in whichever version is being played.

I would further suggest copying the Tarka files first as a template, and so it will hopefully be more visible in game what has been missed.

Having the file requirements so templated will also assist other Teams.

There is a SotS:Mod Google Group set up with file space for holding completed versions of these, so you might need to create a Google account at some point.

Thanks for volunteering again... :)
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Post by Zabaron »

I'll volunteer for this group.

Just out of curiosity, why three different versions of the .gob file?

Also remember that the FTP is always available for file hosting. PM me for login details if you need them.

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Yep... more of them questions...

Post by silvaril »


Zabaron wrote:Just out of curiosity, why three different versions of the .gob file?


1) I very much doubt KP will be re-visiting 1.2.2 or even 1.4.1 to add the required coded bits that the rockbugs will require. This makes AMoC currently the only "essential" gob file.

2) I anticipate that people with older installs that can't make the Rockbugs work properly in-game will still want to see the ships in action.

3) Milestones. The file requirements of 1.2.2 provide a perfect way to measure "have we got everything yet". Likewise with 1.4.1 . As each gob file is completed, we have a measurable milestone that the rest of the KP forums folk can use to say "Hey look, they're getting places..."

That first step is a doozy... ;)
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Post by Zabaron »

Its just that making a version of the data files to be compliant with each past release will triple our work. :P

Anyway, I've done some work on my section comparison spreadsheet. Note that all rockbug values are simply my proposed values and should not be seen as anything else. I still haven't put in all the weapon loadouts (and I think several of them have changed since I put them in, so they need to be redone (actually, now that I think about it many of the values except the Zuul ones I just imputed have probably changed :?)). If anyone wants to help with it or simply use it to share proposed numbers, let me know and I'll give you permission to edit it.

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Oooh... Looky... Google Docs... :D

Post by silvaril »


Thanks for volunteering Zabaron, and for past work :)

I'm sure Coyote's breathing a sigh of relief :D

The gob file requirements are many, many files.

Values in the weapon files likely changed from update to update, let alone to BoB.
But, uh, can you identify which graphics files and/or shipsection files altered from SotS 1.2.2 to BoB 1.4.1? ;)
I am prepared to bet that not many files under the Species directory changed at all.

Added to, with new ship sections, new sound effects, new particle effects... Absolutely...

Similarly with Sounds, Models and Avatars...

So I figure to get the files required for 1.2.2 together first, declare it a Milestone and then add to them for the 1.4.1 gob file.

Numbers will stay the same across all three gob files because that would be a nightmare...

But once gob-1.2.2 is done, then it's only the new files for BoB that need to be made... Aye? 8)
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Post by Zabaron »

The .shipsection files haven't changed too much (the only change that jumps to mind is the crew parameter, which used to be a 0 or a 1 and now ranges from 0 to, well I don't know the top limit (256 would be a safe assumption)), however many of the other files have (strings.csv particularly much). Sounds, models, and 2D art have maintained the same format across all the releases, but the .effect format did undergo a change (while conversion SotS -> BoB isn't difficult, I've never tried BoB -> SotS).

Also, which race gets the axe from the old game? If KP is adding support for the rockbugs for us (which I'm still not clear on weather we're going to have to replace one of the races anyway or not), most likely in AMoC, we would have to replace one of the races in SotS/BoB.

Personally I think we should focus on making all the files as up to date as possible, and then worry about backwards compatibility only once we're finished.

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Post by Darloth »

I thought the whole point of Kerberos offering to add this officially if we finished it was that no, we wouldn't be replacing, we would literally get an -actual- race slot.

Which would push the total up to an amusingly prime seven, assuming Kerberos are going to add one of their own in AMOC and we get a move on and finish by then.

This is all speculation, of course!
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Post by Coyote27 »

What all needs to go in the gob file... shipsections I know, but what else?
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Post by Zabaron »

Here's a full list of the files needed for this mod along with the spot we in the directory structure in which they should go.

Code: Select all

|-> Avatars
| |
| |- All the rockbug avatars will be here.
| |- AvatarTable.txt
|-> Badges
| |
| |- All the rockbug badges will be here.
| |- BadgeTable.txt
|-> CombatMissions
| |
| |-> Encounter
|   |
|   |- InSystem.combat
|-> Data
| |
| |-> Combat
| | |
| | |- camera.txt
| | |- ctechvars.txt
| | |- ship.txt
| |
| |-> Strategy
| | |
| | |-> AI
| | | |
| | | |- affinity_section.csv
| | | |- stock_design_names.csv
| | | |- stock_diplomacy_messages.csv
| | | |- stock_player_names.csv
| | |
| | |- StrategyVars.txt (possibly)
| | |- systemnames.txt
| |
| |- credits.txt (if we want to add credits for the mod)
| |- species.txt
|-> Effects
| |
| |-> All new effects will need to go here.
|-> GUI
| |
| |-> Alliance
| | |
| | |- rockbug_invitees.tga
| | |- rockbug_inviters.tga
| |
| |-> Combat
| | |
| | |- CL_Rockbugs.tga
| |
| |-> Events
| | |
| | |- Rockbug_Defeated.tga
| | |- rockbug_tv_events512.tga
| | |- rockbug_tv_events512_2.tga
| | |- rockbug_tv_events512_3.tga
| | |- rockbug_tv_events512_4.tga
| | |- Rockbug_Victory.tga
| | |- special_events512_9.tga (probably)
| |
| |-> FleetManager
| | |
| | |- Rockbug_Destroyer.tga
| | |- Rockbug_ShipIcons.tga
| |
| |-> Lobby
| | |
| | |- LobbyElementsB.tga
| | |- LobbyElementsC.tga (if not everything fits on B)
| |
| |-> MainMenu
| | |
| | |- Title.tga (not technically necissary)
| |
| |-> SplashArt
| | |
| | |-> Loading
| |   |
| |   |- Any rockbug theamed loading screens we make.
| |
| |-> StarMap
|   |
|   |-> arrow
|     |
|     |- Move_11.tga
|-> Locale
| |
| |-> EN
|   |
|   |- ChatTrans.txt
|   |- SpeechEvents.csv
|   |- Strings.csv
|-> Models
| |
| |-> CameraPaths
| | |
| | |- Rockbugpath1.x
| | |- Rockbugpath2.x
| |
| |-> MiniShip
| | |
| | |- RockbugMiniShip.x
| |
| |-> Planets
|   |
|   |- PlanetResources.script
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|   |-
|-> Sounds
| |
| |-> SFX
| | |
| | |- jumpdrive_arrival.wav (if we don't want to use one of the existing ones)
| |
| |-> speech_combat
| | |
| | |-> rockbugs
| |   |
| |   |- All of our combat speech events go here.  I don't want to list them all.
| |
| |-> speech_strat
|   |
|   |-> rockbugs
|     |
|     |- All of our strat speech events go here. I don't want to list them all.
|-> Species
| |
| |-> Rockbugs
| | |
| | |-> art
| | | |
| | | |- all of our ship art goes here.
| | |
| | |-> sections
| |   |
| |   |- all of our .shipsection files go here.
| |   |- _shipsections.txt
| |
| |- ShipBadges.def (probably)
| |- ShipLights.def (probably)
|-> TechTree
  |-> ShipArt
  | |
  | |- Rockbug_CR_Mission.tga
  | |- Rockbug_CRDN_CommandMission.tga
  | |- Rockbug_CRDN_CommandMission_DE_Mission.tga
  | |- Rockbug_DE_Mission.tga
  | |- Rockbug_DE_Mission_CR_Command.tga
  | |- Rockbug_DE_Mission_CRDN_Command.tga
  | |- Rockbug_DECR_Command.tga
  | |- Rockbug_DECR_Engine.tga
  | |- Rockbug_DECR_Mission.tga
  | |- Rockbug_DECRDN_Command.tga
  | |- Rockbug_DECRDN_Engine.tga
  | |- Rockbug_DECRDN_Mission.tga
  | |- Rockbug_DN_Mission.tga
  |- We'll need an icon for each new tech we make.
  |- TechTree_DRV.x

I will keep this list up-to-date as we finish things.

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Yep, more work... Glad you guys are here.. :)

Post by silvaril »


Current Goals:
MOD122.gob file containing every file required for the race. Placeholder files (Tarka) for files that do not currently exist.

Engine 3 concept in conjunction with Story Team.

Also I will start a sticky thread for the 122 gob file, as this is the Team thread :)

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Post by Coyote27 »

I'm kinda busy right now so I won't be getting anything done for a few weeks...
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Post by Railgunner2160 »

I'm Not That Good, I Don't Have Any Programs, But I CAN Check Text Files And Modify So Stuff Like Engine Effects, Fire Arcs And Other Text Alterable Items Will Work In Game. Just Offering My Help.
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Another sigh of relief from the Team... ;D

Post by silvaril »

Heya Railgunner2160

Thanks for volunteering! :D

The Team's current goals are:

MOD122.gob file containing every file required for the race. Placeholder files (Tarka) for files that do not currently exist. ... php?t=7910

Engine 3 concept in conjunction with Story Team. ... php?t=7873

There are collaboration resources listed in the original post at: ... php?t=7861

These include Google Groups, Google Docs and the Team FTP server.

I would suggest a PM to Coyote' and Zabaron to ensure you're not duplicating work ;)

And Thanks again :)
silvaril wrote:Love is Love, God is God and I am still Living a Lifetime

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