I've been trying to get the Imuki PBA to drop for a long time now, but I believe it might be a bug in the game that occurs only to those that also bought the Medic expansion (I have all the Pit expansions).
I started on Seriously? floor 20 with a fully geared Mercenary from the blue room and lots of xp (~ lvl 90). Advanced to floor 35 where I started farming an armor locker for the Imuki PBA (Shaka'sal already dropped somewhere around floor 29). Foraging 86 and Computer 136 or so with boosts.
Now, out of ~200 armor locker tries, I got 5 Helms of Vana, 6 Presence of Aias and about 12 Asclepius Exoplates. I know you get drops from another class quite often, but the 12 Exoplates were really weird.
Can anyone check if this is true in a configuration file or something?
I'm also thinking of starting another run with the Medic expansion disabled.
Imuki PBA possible bug
For when things go Willy Wonky, and it's NOT your fault.
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