Drop to desktop closing motion sensor map
Drop to desktop closing motion sensor map
I got all the way down to level 5, had perhaps 1/2 to 2/3's of the map completed, had 6th level on the engineer. I had used the sensor map twice before with no issues. This time when I clicked the x in the circle to close the sensor map, it dropped to desktop. Kinda a bummer. lol Since there is no save, I'll have to start over. Will do so later. Was a lot of fun, though there were some balance/niggles I have which I'll post in general forum.
Re: Drop to desktop closing motion sensor map
are you sure you just didn't run over the exit while looking at the map and exited the demo?
Re: Drop to desktop closing motion sensor map
Also I wouldn't really sweat balance at the alpha stage
Re: Drop to desktop closing motion sensor map
I thought of that myself Mec, although I'm 99% sure I clicked the in game window's X, though I suppose it is remotely possible that the full window X was clicked in my autoreflex closing. lol If I did, perhaps a warning message of (are you sure you want to close this window message can me included?) It was heartbreaking to have it plop to desktop without any warning or error message.