The unnamed- "Rockbugs"
This race is a silicon based life form. It is important to note that this race is a mineral-based race, not organic. Photovores, they produce energy to sustain themselves from the light of their sun. Their planets are harsh planets to any other race, having little charitable atmosphere, heavy in crystallized minerals and heated metals. Rockbugs communicate through light transmissions- not necessarily visible light, but in bands they are more sensitive to rather than sound. Each being is an individual. (Family Structure?) As a race they are easily "civilized," they understand science and industry, education and specialization, and have a formal language with a system of writing. A unique understanding of metals and minerals makes them capable of great feats of engineering. They live in great cities, and have firmly taken place as the dominant species of their homeworld.
Despite their adeptness at technology and science, they have something of a religious connection with their planet which they believe is the source of their sentience. This religion has lost some of its mysticism as the rockbugs matured as a race, and now takes more of a form of natural respect rather than true worship. Though less zealous, this religion is still a respectable influence on their culture. With the realization that one day their planet would be consumed by its sun, they began to reach for the stars in hopes of finding other planets that they could caretake and honor. (Think of the Holy Lands Scenario- it's fitting here.) As a result, they don't take kindly to those who would mine and exploit planets under their protection. On that note, relations with the other races in SotS are difficult at the most basic level because of the differences in their biology. Difficulties in communication, some xenophobia against strange impossible beings- carbon based lifeforms, and perceived acts of hostility like the aforementioned exploitation of mining have often led into conflicts, even though the Rockbugs are not generally a martial race as say the Humans or the Tarka are.
The basic ship concept has been narrowed down- the final details have yet to be worked out, but the general aesthetic is there. Ships of this race are built by a combination of standard industry and unique crystalline techniques possessed by the race. Considering the number of sections to be designed and finallized, I think I will create a seperate thread in time to collect those for easy reference.
The rockbugs possess an accurate jump drive with a one turn charge limitation. It is a unique drive in SotS, and its key feature to note is its charge time. The functionality of this drive promotes surprise attack. Their ships accordingly should be designed to take advantage of this as much as possible- favoring speed and weapons over durability. DDs will be relatively weak but inexpensive, DNs strong but expensive.
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Accurate Drives, Simplified
Strategic Speeds:
Power Jump Hull BrstSpd AvgSpd Range
Fission Jump1 -- 4 2+ 4
Fusion Jump1 -- 5.5 2.75+ 10
Fusion Jump2 -- 7 3.5+ 12
Fusion Jump3 -- 8 4+ 14
AM Jump1 -- 9 4.5+ 16
AM Jump2 -- 11 5.5+ 18
AM Jump3 -- 13 6.5+ 20
- AvgSpd is calculated over long distances through neutral or enemy territory. Short trips will result in a higher speed, hence the '+'. Jumping from planet to planet in friendly territory will result in an average speed approaching BrstSpd, though not reaching it except over short hops (will suffer similar speed impediments as the human node drive, due to requirement for planet chaining to take advantage of planetary capacitors.)
- The planetary capacitance tech aids ship movement in "rockbug" controlled space, as colonies will automatically recharge jump drives and
will become available optionally available in the fusion era, guaranteed in AM.