BoB expansion from GG not installing in Win10

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Ante Priore Wangum
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BoB expansion from GG not installing in Win10

Post by mango »

Dear chaps, hello again. This is a long shot but I am all googled out. Would be grateful for any pointers. I have read the "read this first" post and dont see this.

Story so far, I wanted to try BoB in its original form before AMOC as a kind of hobbyist quest. I have the vanilla game and separate updates on GamersGate so DLd from there.

Installing SotS vanilla v1.2.2 completed but the game CTDs on start. I looked at the error log and found "sots_local_en.gob" loading error.

I tried installing the BoB expansion over this in the hopes it would fix it but it will not instal in Win10. It gets to the point where I say yes to install and then stops soon after with "patch failed" error box.

Luckily I have a perfectly good installation of Sots Complete working on Steam in Win10 pro x64, (so all is not lost) and I tried transferring "sots_local_en.gob" from Complete to vanilla on a Hail Mary pass and lo and behold it worked.

Steam SotS Complete's .gob loads in GG vanilla with a few minor errors logged but the game runs so I am able to play vanilla, but still cannot instal BoB in Win10 pro x64. I have emailed GG help hub, so they may have the same question and I know I am being a nuisance, sorry. Just would be grateful if anyone had any hints.

Was nice to watch the Hiver incursion cinematic playing as the intro once again, brought back memories.
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